The health and safety of our residents and families is our highest priority.
Department | Policy # | Date Issued | Date Reviewed | Date Revised | ||||
| 3/2020 |
| 12-2022 | ||||
Subject: | COVID 19 | Dept Head: | Benedict Po, RN DON | Date: | 03-2020 | |||
| Outbreak Management | Approved: |
| Date: |
Imperial Healthcare Center has developed a comprehensive response plan to address the global pandemic due to COVID 19. The plan will be in place to protect the residents, staff and visitorsfrom respiratory infections including COVID-19.
The facility will create a COVID-19 Committee team consisting of the following:
Medical Director | Dr. Atul Bhasin |
Administrator | Zevi Kopp |
Director of Nursing | Benedict Po |
Facility Coordinator |
MDS Coordinator | Eric Libang |
Infection Preventionist | Marie Jean Ganthier |
Rehab Director | Tzippi Cohen |
Social Service Director | Lauren Braxton |
Admissions Director | Leslie Capestro |
Maintenance Director | Willie Reyes |
Activities Director | Mary Walaszek / Tori Capestro |
Housekeeping | David Grant |
Dietary Director | Robert Davis |
Dietician |
The facility’s COVID 19 response coordinator will be: Yochanan Goldstein, Administrator.
The facility will coordinate with the transport company if a presumptive or confirmed COVID-19 is going to be transported. Face mask will be provided to the resident for transport to protect the transport staff and receiving facility staff.
The facility physician will coordinate with the receiving facility’s physician to ensure report is accurately communicated and precaution is in place.
Dedicate equipment in isolation rooms. If not possible, clean and disinfect equipment using the EPA-registered disinfectant before use with another resident within the cohort.
Conduct routine cleaning and disinfection of high touch surfaces and shared medical equipment using EPA-registered disinfectant.
Increase frequency of routine cleaning and disinfection.
Prioritize rounding in a “well to ill’ flow to minimize cross-contamination.
Communication with Residents and Families:
It is the policy of this facility to inform residents, their representatives, and families of the residents by 5pm the next calendar day following the subsequent occurrence of either: each time a single confirmed infection of covid-19 is identified or whenever three or more residents or staff with new-onset of respiratory symptoms occurs within 72 hours of each other.
Communication with Employees:
It is the policy of this facility to inform all employees by 5pm the next calendar day following the subsequent occurrence of either: each time a single confirmed infection of covid-19 is identified or whenever three or more residents or staff with new-onset of respiratory symptoms occurs within 72 hours of each other.
General Facility Control Measures
Establish testing capacity to identify SARS-CoV2 through AccuReference to conduct test andprovide appropriate specimen collection materials.
Ensure sufficient supply of Hand Hygiene resources in the facility.
Evaluate personal protective equipment (PPE) and report level to corresponding agency/OEM/LDOH/NJDOH.
Educate staff on infection prevention practices, control measures for COVID-19.
Facility will implement Universal Source control by providing facemask to person in the facility. As an alternative, cloth mask will be provided in the event of supply shortage for staff that doesnot provide direct care to the residents.
Daily Reporting
Complete line listing for residents / staff.
Submit line listing to Neptune Township Health Department per instruction. NeptuneTownshipHealth Department representative Enrico Cabredo
Admission, Transfer and Readmission
Close the unit affected to new admissions except as needed to cohort individuals and staff.
Consider closing to new admissions if the facility is unable to appropriately cohort. This does not include readmission back to the facility.
When transferring a resident to another facility / hospital, transporting company will be informed of the Transmission Based Precaution in place as well the as receiving facility.
New admissions and readmissions that are fully vaccinated or boosted will be monitored for signs of COVID 19 for 8 days and will be cared for by staff using COVID–19 PPE (N95 or Respirator, eye protection, gloves and gown). They will be rapid tested on Day 1, Day 7 and Day 8. If all rapid tests are negative, they will be off quarantine. They will be placed in private rooms (if available). If feasible, a cohort will be created for this population.
New admissions and readmissions that are not vaccinated will be monitored for signs of COVID 19 for 14 days and will be cared for by staff using COVID-19 PPE (N95 or Respirator, eye protection, gloves and gown). They will be rapid tested on Day 1, Day 5 and Day 14. If all rapid tests are negative, they will be off quarantine. They will be placed in private rooms (if available). If feasible, a cohort will be created for this population.
Emergency Staffing Strategies:
In the event of an emergency, the Administrator or DON will make the decision to utilize emergency staffing strategies as necessary to provide for care and treatment of residents.
Virtual Communication:
To continue to provide the vital opportunity for family members to interact with their loved ones while minimizing the chance of the spread of COVID-19.
Infection Prevention and Control
Encourage to restrict visitation and non-essential healthcare personnel, except in certain compassionate-care situation.
Evaluate all persons who enter the facility for signs/symptoms of COVID-19. Temperature checks at entry point. Temperature checks at the start of each shift for all employees.
The facility will monitor any visitors/vendors/physician for temperature and any signs of respiratory symptoms. The following will also be assessed: history of international travel with 14 days or travel to any of the high-risk states within 14 days, history of exposure to a presumptive or positive COVID-19.
Visitors with respiratory symptoms will not be permitted to enter the facility at any time.
Facility will require visitors who are cleared to enter the facility to perform hand hygiene.
Signage for visitation, cough etiquette and hand hygiene will be posted in several locationswithin the facility.
Visitation restriction will be communicated through mass letter, telephone calls and posting of signage
Active screening for residents for fever (Temperature of 100.4) and other COVID-19 symptoms every shift.
Any supply delivery will be dropped off by the loading dock and/or right by the reception area.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers for hand hygiene will be provided in the hallways and on medication carts based on supply availability.
PPE needed will be made available outside the doors for easy access to the staff.
Facility will provide EPA disinfectants to allow for frequent cleaning of high touched surfaces and shared resident equipment.
Suspend communal dining and all group activities as needed.
Residents are encouraged to remain in their rooms. If the resident leaves their room, they should wear a face covering or face mask; perform hand hygiene, limit movement in the facility and perform social distancing.
Waste receptable will be provided for PPE
Implement Standard and Transmission-Based Precaution including use of N95 mask or other respirators.
Signs posted for direction of PPE to use in residents on Transmission Based Precaution
Resident Management / Cohorting
Implement cohorting plan that allows for separation of residents, dedicating staff and medical equipment to each of these cohort and allowing necessary space to do so at the onset of an outbreak.
In the event staffing cannot be designated specifically in the COVID-19 unit, Staff will work from clean unit to COVID Unit., Staff will cluster work load from clean resident to COVID residents.
Staff will don COVID-19 recommended PPE: N–95 or respirator, eye shield, gloves and gownwhen entering resident rooms.
Laboratory confirmed COVID-19 positive residents will be relocated to designated cohort.Private rooms will be provided if feasible. Cohort with another COVID-19 resident maybe done when private room is not possible.
Person Under investigation will not be moved to COVID-19 cohort until results are confirmed.
Roommates of COVID-19 residents are considered exposed and should not share a room with other residents unless they have tested negative and has been asymptomatic for 14 days from last exposure.
Facility will adhere to the CDC guidelines for the discontinuation of Transmission-Based Precaution.
Symptom-based strategy
At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery defined as resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and,
At least 14 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
Staff Management
All residents will be provided mask and instructed to cover their nose and mouth when around others, as tolerated.
Enforce use of universal facemask (source control) for staff while in the facility in addition to active screening of symptomatic staff.
Staff will be screened by getting their temperature taken and completing a screening tool at the start of their shift
Any staffs that show symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be asked to put on a mask and leave the facility. Such staff would require clearance from IP before returning to work.
Identify staff who maybe at higher risk for severe COVID-19 and attempt to assign to unaffected units.
Educate and reinforce sick leave policy including not to report to work when sick.
Assess staff competency on infection prevention and control measure including putting on and taking off PPE.
Conserve use of PPE using CDC guidance for PPE contingency strategies.
Consider staffing contingency for shortage (refer to separate policy).
January 17th, 2025
Dear Family and Friends,
Today, we have six additional cases of COVID at Station 2, Low side. (rooms 29-42)
Station 1 Low is negative. We will have another round of testing on Sunday. Please continue to avoid visitation if you have any symptoms. Masks are highly recommended at this time.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Benedict Po, DON
(732) 922-3400 x122
Dear Family and Friends,
Currently, we have 3 residents who are positive for COVID. One of them has zero symptoms. Our next round of testing will be Friday. We encourage all visitors to wear a mask. Please avoid visiting if you are experiencing any symptoms.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Ben Po, DON
(732)922-3400 x122
August 20th, 2024
Dear Friends and Family,
We are pleased to report that all residents and staff members are fully recovered at this time. We are still encouraging all visitors to wear masks due to the high COVID case count in our area.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Benedict Po, Director of Nursing
(732) 922-3400 x122
August 1, 2024
Dear Family and Friends,
We currently have a total of 4 residents and 1 staff member who are positive for COVID. All symptoms are mild at this time. Testing will occur again Saturday. Masks are encouraged at this time.
Thank you and please reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.
Benedict Po, DON
(732) 922-3400 x122
July 30th, 2024
Dear Family and Friends,
Today, two of our residents tested positive for COVID. All exposed residents were tested and are negative. We will be testing again on Thursday and Saturday. All visitors on the station one low side are encouraged to wear a blue mask.
Thank you for your patience. Please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.
Benedict Po, DON
(732) 922-3400 x122
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